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General Question about VOL and header

Posted: 14 May 2009 18:22
by digish_gabhawala

When I am streaming video to VLC, if VLC starts receiving stream prior to stream sender, then VLC plays it fine.

But if some initial packets are lost, I am not able to play the stream on VLC as it is saying that it is waiting for VOL.

I was sending VOL only once and hence the problem was there but when I send that VOL bitstream again then also VLC is not able to play it.
Foll was my initial bitsstream that contained (vol, voseq, vostartcode, gvopstartcode)

Now when I need to send it again, I am keeping all other data same but changing only GVOP start code

/*uint* data = address of GVOP, where "001027" was the initial data
data[0] = ( hours<<3 ) | ((( minites << 2 ) >> 5 ) );
data[1] = (minites<<5 ) | 0x10 |((seconds >> 2) );
data[2] = (data[2] & 0x3F) | (seconds<<6);

I am then again sending this newly created bitstream but still VLC is nto able to play it.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance..