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HTTP buffering

Posted: 08 May 2009 15:19
by ghell
Is there any way to buffer http streams when playing or, if it already does, increase the buffer size?

I play a fair amount of content from using their "HD Quicktime" RSS links (just mp4s at 720p I believe) by copying the links and pasting them into VLC's "File -> Open Network" dialogue.

It works well and my internet speed is fast enough (I have even tried on their lowest quality feeds, it still happens) but using a network meter I can see that occasionally it stops downloading for a second or two and then spikes to catch up. During this second or two, the video stops playing but when it resumes, it is a bit further on down the stream (so I miss a few seconds whenever this happens). I just want to buffer a few seconds in advance to stop these fluctuations in the speed from affecting the video.

My forum search turned up a similar thread but the reply was relating to http caching, not buffering, so it doesn't help.

Re: HTTP buffering

Posted: 08 May 2009 16:59
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont

Re: HTTP buffering

Posted: 10 Aug 2009 07:39
by lbwtgi

VLC will cache some data before it renders them. This improves playback performance but sometimes it may be desirable
to tell VLC to drop all existing data already cached and to start receiving data anew.

For example while we receive http streaming if we switch to others film, but VLC will wait all it's cache buffer play out. Is there anyway for VLC to immediately drop the old content already received and start playing the new content. I had tried 0.9.4 and 0.9.9a version and http-caching option were not working. Is there any command to clear or flush VLC cache buffer? .

Best regards,