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My VLC angles / 'program' menu item is grayed out?

Posted: 30 Nov 2004 00:50
by rRand
My VLC angles / 'program' menu item is grayed out?
Am I missing somethin or what?
OSX3.5, VLC 0.8.0
Thanks for the help

Posted: 30 Nov 2004 09:52
by Sigmund
The angel menu only makes sense on multi-angle dvds (which are very uncommon). The programs menu is used for streams with several channels multiplexed into one stream, mainly dvb.

For "normal" movies these menus have no real function.

Posted: 30 Nov 2004 23:46
by rRand
thanks for the reply...
ok then, can one switch 'angles' with VLC??
If so where?