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Embedded video output problem
Posted: 29 Nov 2004 20:44
by Guest
I have modified the "iTunes skin" to fit my needs, and integrated the playback-contorls into the original video Window. this works very fine if i tell video lan not to use the overlay, but one issue still remains: everytime a screen element changes or tries to change(e.g.: moving mouse over an image, text is updated,timeslider changes) the video output flashes.
is there any fix to issue?
florian dorn
Posted: 29 Nov 2004 21:06
by ipkiss
Do you have the same problem with the original itunes skin? If not, could you provide your theme.xml file?
Please give your OS and VLC version too...
Posted: 29 Nov 2004 21:22
by Guest
The original skin works perfectly.
if you comment the text lines and the timelider-line you the screen will only flash if you move the mouse over a button, change volume,...
Im using:
Windows XP, SP2
vlc-0.8.1 modified theme.
Posted: 29 Nov 2004 22:36
by ipkiss
I cannot reproduce the problem on linux. I will try on windows, but not today...
Posted: 30 Nov 2004 10:18
by Guest
i've tried the skin under debain sarge, VLC 0.8.1 and cannot load the skin at all.
i get the following message:
XML parser error: Element group content does not follow DTD, text not allowed
any idea?
Posted: 30 Nov 2004 10:42
by ipkiss
Because the xml is incorrect, there is a leftover of a comment at line 125.
Remove it and it will load correctly.
Posted: 30 Nov 2004 12:47
by Guest
i've fixed the problem and it now works correctly under linux, under windows it still flickers...
Posted: 17 Dec 2004 08:04
by ipkiss
This is in fact a combination of 2 bugs in the skins interface:
1) when drawing a control, the whole window is refreshed, instead of only the control (this is not really a bug but rather a lack of optimization)
2) when refreshing the part of the window where there is the video, the refreshing overrides the video, causing the flickering.
Problem 1) has been fixed in the development version (so it should be enough to avoid the flickering in your case).
Problem 2) will be fixed soon.
Posted: 21 Dec 2004 12:24
by spark
ipkiss, does the fix for 1) also prevent the flashing when resizing the window in skins2 mode?
Posted: 21 Dec 2004 20:04
by Guest
No, it doesn't prevent resizing flashes completely, but it reduces them (the remaining flashes are due to something else, which will probably be harder to fix).
BTW, problem 2) is solved too, now.
Posted: 21 Dec 2004 20:06
by ipkiss
This last message was from me.