Viewing on TV with commands interface

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Viewing on TV with commands interface

Postby glelann » 23 Apr 2009 16:44


I am currently doing interactive TV (not internet broadcasted) based on the reading of a VLC's video stream. I encounter several problems.

Configuration: Linux PC and a TV screen connected to my SVIDEO GeForce 9400 GT (standard: 720x576).

In principle I would like to reproduce the functioning of freeplayer (for the "Freebox" - French ADSL TV provider system -) but only with my TV, my PC with VLC and an infrared remote control (connected to the PC).
So, the TV screen displays a visual interface and can play videos.

After some research, I saw that it was possible to control VLC in different ways (Telnet, HTTP, etc.)..
However, I would like, as the "Freeplayer", be able to play videos on TV while allowing the display of control buttons, menus (Playlists, etc. ..) on it.
In addition, I wish display a logo or other images in my video overlay, and the same idea, you can view real-time information (text).
Another question, is it also possible to emulate the HTTP client of the "Freebox" (which allows the display of a video stream in the background of an HTML document) with an automatic result of video on TV?

Despite my research I did not really find how to do this. Do you have any ideas for me?
There are certainly already had projects of this type. Have you ever seen?

Thank you your answers.

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Re: Viewing on TV with commands interface

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 24 Apr 2009 00:27

Maybe you should ask free...

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