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Subtitles: Top Line is shown under Buttom Line

Posted: 24 Nov 2004 12:40
by shaigo
OS WinXP SP1; VLC version is 0.8.1

My problem is that the subtitles are shown with the lines upside down. The first line is shown at the bottom and the second line is shown at the top (of the subtitles).
I trying to look at a movie with Hebrew subtitles.

Is this a known problem? it there a solution for this problem?


Posted: 24 Nov 2004 14:03
by The DJ
It is, unfortunately, there is not an easy way to solve this atm.
The problem is that international typography is a very complicated issue. We could support it pretty well trough for instance the pango library, but that would add several MB's to the VLC distribution which we sould rather avoid.

Subtitles: Top Line is shown under Buttom Line

Posted: 25 Nov 2004 08:51
by shaigo
I'm sorry to annoy but I didn't undersand, currenly, there a solution or there is not a solution? Can I bypass the problem?

Another thing is that the subtitles are shown incorrectly, e.g. the the last character of the line is always shown in the next line.

Aanyhow, thanks for your time.


Posted: 25 Nov 2004 16:21
by Sigmund
could you send me the subtitle file? I'll try to investigate it a little bit