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VLC Capabilities

Posted: 26 Mar 2009 15:04
by mh53j_fe
I am looking for a software tool that will allow our users to capture video from a DVD and save the pictures in to our share drive. Our users are on Mac's and PCs.

The software tool must be able to perform the following functioni:
User must be able to turn on dvd movie, captures all images, and saves the images to a share drive. We want the software to automatically capture frames and save the picture to a hard drive.

Does VLC support this requirement? If not, does anybody know of another tool that supports this requirement?

Thanks in advance for your help. I look forward to hearing from you.


Re: VLC Capabilities

Posted: 28 Mar 2009 18:53
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Capture ALL frames to and image format?

Yes, VLC can do that.