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Frozen Picture: Versions Beyound 8.6i-9.8

Posted: 26 Mar 2009 04:53
by StatenJM
So far the only stable version I have found is version 8.6i. Any version I try above this when I go to play DVDs the picture freezes sometime through the movie and you have to close the program and reopen hoping it doesn't freeze at the part you want to see, because it is a must that it will freeze sometime throughout the DVD. Although the picture freezes the sound will still play in accordance to where it would be normally. Are the developers going to fix this problem with their later updates (I have heard it to be common), is there any solution other than just using 8.6i?

P.S. I know with 100% certainty that this is a VLC media player error and not the DVDs.

Re: Frozen Picture: Versions Beyound 8.6i-9.8

Posted: 26 Mar 2009 21:15
by StatenJM

Re: Frozen Picture: Versions Beyound 8.6i-9.8

Posted: 26 Mar 2009 23:31
by Arite
Does raising the DVD caching value help?:


Re: Frozen Picture: Versions Beyound 8.6i-9.8

Posted: 28 Mar 2009 21:18
by StatenJM
No this does not help.