I want to stream audio to VLC player.
I want to wrap that audio in mpeg2ts. I have PCM16 data that I want to send.
I have tried to play that PCM16 data to VLC after dumping it into WAV file. but for that I had to add wav headers.
Is it possible to stream that to VLC? If yes, do i need to send that wav header very first time? or is it not possible?
from recorder side, I can only have audio in one of following formats: PCM,G711,G729,ILBC,AMR.
My main requirement is to send that data to VLC to play over Mpeg2ts. so is it better to go with some other codec or PCM is better?
I have tried with AMR but found that VLC does not support AMR.
I am new to this field, so please help me.