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Automatic Screenshots?

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 02:11
by musafa

I've been using VLC for making screen captures from DVDs and it's a great piece of software to do so.

When I used to make captures through my TV card from a VHS source, I had a capture programme which automatically took a screenshot every few seconds and saved them all to a folder. This meant that I could leave my computer running all day whilst I was at work making screenshots of various video tapes and all I had to do when I got home was pick a selection out and put them online.

Is this something that's possible with VLC, or is manual capturing (watching the footage and pressing a key each time I want a screenshot) the only way forward?

Thanks for any help on this. :)

Re: Automatic Screenshots?

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 02:29
by Arite
Yes. For example see this topic:

So, if you wanted to, say, take a screenshot every 10 seconds, and your video has a framerate of 25fps, you could try:

Code: Select all

vlc -V image --image-out-format png --image-out-ratio 250 --image-out-prefix image_snapshot INPUT
Where INPUT is your input.

That will take a snapshot (with a prefix of "image_snapshot") every 250 frames (so every 10 seconds for 25fps video). You can also use e.g. --snapshot-height and --snapshot-width to resize the output.
