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Why VLC cannot play some TV channels stream from dreambox?

Posted: 25 Feb 2009 10:44
by leungha
I use VLC to paly TS stream from my dreambox dm500.
but some channels can not paly.
I found that, vlc could receive ts stream ,but did not decode it.
Is there any wrong with my VLC setting?(I use defult settings) :?:

Re: Why VLC cannot play some TV channels stream from dreambox?

Posted: 25 Feb 2009 13:19
by rh
they are not encrypted ... :wink:
Use the message box and loglevel 2!

Re: Why VLC cannot play some TV channels stream from dreambox?

Posted: 26 Feb 2009 03:09
by leungha
they are not encrypted ... :wink:
Use the message box and loglevel 2!
thank you for your help! :D

since I get encrype code from network,I can watch all programs on my TV.
How can I get the encryped TS stream from my poor dm500?