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Error messages and no dvd play on new laptop...

Posted: 04 Jan 2004 06:25
by Guest
I have a new hp ze4430us laptop with winxp home, Athlon xp, 512mb of ram, and a 40g hdd partitioned into 2 logical drives, C @ 7gb for system, and D for everything else. I just downloaded vlc .70 and installed using the self extracting installer (to D drive), stuck a dvd in the internal drive and....nothing. Viewing the eror messages gives me the following....

error: fatal failure in ifo
vcd error: could not read TOCHDR
vcd error: no movie tracks found
cdda error: could not read TOCHDR
cdda error: no audio tracks found
main error: no suitable access module for `dvd/://D:@0:1'

Can anyone point me in the right direction? I curnetly have intervideo Windvd4 installed, and it seems to work ok, but I have vlc installed on my Mac,and I liled it enough to want t o run it on this laptop. I have tried uninstalling and re-installing to no avail. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks!

Posted: 04 Jan 2004 13:11
by The DJ
You just said you used D: for your second partition.
The errors show you have selected D: as your DVD drive which of course can not be. Change D: into E: in the "open disc" tab. E: is probably your DVD drive.

Posted: 05 Jan 2004 04:57
by grapeape1965
Duh. :roll: Thank You.