Playing Audio at permanent 1.5x help please

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New Cone
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Playing Audio at permanent 1.5x help please

Postby kingdogol » 11 Feb 2009 10:45

Hi there board,

I consider myself an unusual guy and always do odd --please stay polite-- that others will do in years to come. I'm sure there are a few on this board that may already have this problem and solved it, here goes....

I have all my music saved to 1TB external HDD
From there they defaulty open with WMP, I have no problem with this but lately I'm really enjoying listening to music at 1.5x speed (WMP only goes up to 1.25 or something rubbish). If you're a musician or have ears capable of handling it then it sounds awesome, like System, Matisyahu, U2, Nile, Bob Marley all genres at 320kps or higher sound really good. Anyway I open up vlc player and open the files, like 1 album, and then it will just automatically play. Now I always hit + and am like **** yeah! then the first song finishes and I'm having to CTRL+TAB back to vlc player and hit + again to make the next song play at 1.5x the speed (after any song finishes the next one plays back at its original speed). As you can imagine you start pumping with the music in the background and then having to flick back each song it becomes pretty frustrating.

So is there any way I can either turn the 1.5x on a 'hold' or do I have to open advanced file and then play around with some settings there?
I have a --please stay polite-- load of music and really don't want to have to record it all in audacity or similar. I've had a look around the settings and can't seem to find anything. Can anyone help me out? It would be much appreciated, sorry if this is in the wrong section, am new to these forums.

New Cone
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Re: Playing Audio at permanent 1.5x help please

Postby kingdogol » 12 Feb 2009 10:09

It's been 24 hours, anyone got any idea at all? Is there another player that can do this? I doubt there is and that's why I've posted my question here. Any ideas at all would be greatly appreciated....

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Playing Audio at permanent 1.5x help please

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 12 Feb 2009 10:11

I have no idea.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Re: Playing Audio at permanent 1.5x help please

Postby kingdogol » 12 Feb 2009 13:27

I have no idea.
Hey j-b,

Iv'e tried downloading another few players like wimamp and none seem to have it the ability.
When you play it at 1.5x speed it kind of sounds like chipmunks, though WMP at 1.25x doesn't actually sound that bad though the music just isn't fast enough. Also in WMP if you set it to play faster it plays every song in the current playlist faster. This is exactly what I'm after but faster, at the 1.5x in VLC.

Do you think it's possible to find the WMP code somewhere and add it to VLC? Do you think anyone in the staff/admin/mod will know. I'm guessing this is an unusual request if you haven't seen something like it in your 8500 odd posts.....

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Re: Playing Audio at permanent 1.5x help please

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 12 Feb 2009 17:50

I cannot find anyway to do this in the current versions.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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New Cone
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Re: Playing Audio at permanent 1.5x help please

Postby fudgeoff » 13 Apr 2013 15:51

1. use vlan command line to playback @ 1.5x
2. pipe output to save a new file
3. delete the file you just played/saved @ 1.5x (optional)
4. repeat w/ new file

in the end you end up w/ new files which are recorded/saved as 1.5x which always play 1.5x regardless of player

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