Save the repaired/loaded (AVI)file Please help
Posted: 25 Jan 2009 17:00
Not sure if this feature exists but I can' find anything about it and theres no replies after so long so I thought perhaps the feature is there and I can't see it (I guess it must be soooo obvious but I cant see how) ........
Save the loaded (AVI)file
by Teddy3943 on Sat Jun 02, 2007 9:45 am
Sometimes VLC has to repair an AVI-file before it can be played. This takes sometimes a long time.
Is it possible to save the repaired and loaded file so that the next time VLC don't need to repair again before playing?
New Cone
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by sirplus on Sun Jan 25, 2009 4:51 pm
Bumping an old thread
I too would like to be able to save the repaired file
How can I do this or can we please add this functionality...............?
Thanks in advance
Not sure if this feature exists but I can' find anything about it and theres no replies after so long so I thought perhaps the feature is there and I can't see it (I guess it must be soooo obvious but I cant see how) ........
Save the loaded (AVI)file
by Teddy3943 on Sat Jun 02, 2007 9:45 am
Sometimes VLC has to repair an AVI-file before it can be played. This takes sometimes a long time.
Is it possible to save the repaired and loaded file so that the next time VLC don't need to repair again before playing?
New Cone
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Joined: Sat Jun 02, 2007 9:36 am
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by sirplus on Sun Jan 25, 2009 4:51 pm
Bumping an old thread
I too would like to be able to save the repaired file
How can I do this or can we please add this functionality...............?
Thanks in advance