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-V image jpg quality

Posted: 21 Jan 2009 11:23
by qubix

I'm trying to get every n'th image out of a stream. I found out that if I use --image-out-format=png, the image quality is stellar. If I use --image-out-format=jpg the images are small, but the quality is quite bad - jpg-s are far to much compressed.

Is there a command line option for setting output jpg quality?

I haven't found it here: Of course I could convert with imagemagick all images, but it would be so nice to have it done straight out of VLC.


Re: -V image jpg quality

Posted: 06 Dec 2010 16:49
by blueeinstein
Hi - I'm looking for the same thing. Is there a way to either:

(a) set the jpeg quality level on cvlc?
(b) vlc to execute (or send a signal) to an external script to call imagemagick to resize/convert quality of an image