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use vlc to record online broadcast/show

Posted: 18 Jan 2009 19:03
by djangoxl
Dear vlc user,

first let me begin with congratulating the vlc devs for doing such a wonderful job!

I have this question:
Can I use vlc to record the following url:
Itś a show which was broad-casted on the Dutch television, but which I was able to find on-line. However, I would like to obtain that file and at first thought that a media file would be present on my /tmp folder. However, thatś not the case so Iḿ turning to the forum here to ask this question.

Hope somebody can help me.


Re: use vlc to record online boradcast/show

Posted: 18 Jan 2009 19:20
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
vlc http/dump:// --demux-dumpfile /tmp/foobar

Re: use vlc to record online broadcast/show

Posted: 19 Jan 2009 13:43
by webreview
Thank you for the help.

Re: use vlc to record online broadcast/show

Posted: 22 Jan 2009 15:46
by detlef
Would it be possible to clarify the command somewhat for a beginner?


Re: use vlc to record online broadcast/show

Posted: 22 Jan 2009 17:17
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
vlc --demux dump --demux-dumpfile "/path/to/output/file" <URL>

Re: use vlc to record online broadcast/show

Posted: 23 Jan 2009 20:45
by detlef
I assume this is in the Terminal?