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Playback of DVD w/ randomized content

Posted: 13 Jan 2009 01:34
by rtg1111
I have a couple DVD games (TV quiz shows) that I normally play in my DVD player. Unfortunately, the seek delay is annoying so I copied one of the DVDs to my HD and tried playing it with VLC. To my surprise this mostly works. All disk menus work and the game is actually playable and runs much smoother without the seek delay of a normal DVD player. The one problem I have though, is that it asks a series of trivia questions during the game and it always asks the same questions in the same order each time I play the disk! Is there a way to have VLC randomly pick quiz questions like a real DVD player would?

Re: Playback of DVD w/ randomized content

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 14:41
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
I don't think VLC can do that.