My goal is to use the command line remote control interface with the unix socket (i.e. -I rc --rc-unix /path/to/socket) so that I can have an external application send commands to the running VLC to play/pause/etc movies. I'm running VLC 0.9.8a on Mac OS X 10.4.11. Quite a few issues I'm running into:
(1) Is the "cvlc" or "civlc" binary no longer included or relevant to the latest releases? Should I be using this or installing it separately somehow? Or should I be using an older VLC version?
(2) Whenever I start the binary (/Applications/ with the '-I rc' option and a playlist value, the video does not actually display anywhere on my screen. If I'm using command line interface, should I be specifying the -vout or -vcd options? The detailed help file does not actually list what the acceptable values for these two options are -- is there a list or explanation anywhere?
(3) Again, with the '-I rc' option specified, it is often impossible to actually quit the application. When I type quit in the console control, the status output changes to (quit) but the application doesn't actually die or close. ^C does not kill it either. I have to stop the job and then actually 'kill -9' the process. Any thoughts on how to cleanly quit or stop?
(4) In addition to using the unix socket remote control interface, my goal is to start VLC in fullscreen mode on a 2nd display (which I understand is possible from the FAQ and forum posts). I'd also like to have no media titles, menu bars, no menu controls fading in/out over the video. From the detailed command line help, it seems these options might be the following:
--no-video-title-show --video-on-top --mouse-hide-timeout=0 --no-video-deco --no-spu --no-show-intf --playlist-autostart
Does this look correct or are some missing? How can I ensure that the little menu bar with the play/pause/stop/etc icons doesn't ever appear over the video even if the mouse is moved? In other words, I want the only control interface to be through the unix remote control socket.
Thank you for any info or assistance you can provide!
-- Simon