vlc buttons

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vlc buttons

Postby Shadow81189 » 27 Dec 2008 04:40

hi actually i dont know if this is supposed to go in this section but...well i just reinstalled vlc onto my comp and well it looks different from what it looked like before. like if you go to the main page and click on the download link u see the picture on the right that is of the vlc player. i want it to look like the smaller window t he one with just the black buttons but i dont remember how i changed it like that in the past, even if i did or did not. anyone have any ideas? im not talking about intergrating the video to the controls im just talking about how to get the buttons like that i dont know what to call that lol.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: vlc buttons

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 30 Dec 2008 17:39

You used to have 0.8.6 and the newer look is 0.9.
Download 0.8.6 if you prefer.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: vlc buttons

Postby Shadow81189 » 02 Jan 2009 08:40

yes i know, actually i have both version. i installed them both and they look the same idk what it was I did before but i changed it like it looked like the 0.9 one but then i did something i think and it looked like how i described, with the black buttons. idk ill try to download 0.8.6 again, but i dont think it will change anything really.

alright i just installed it and seriously wtf it worked..my version was 0.8.6d and the one i downloaded was 0.8.6i thats the only difference -.- but shouldnt it be the same if they only started the new look at 0.9? but anyways thanks

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