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[glitch] ? playlist ID column keeps the same order (vlc 9.6)

Posted: 06 Dec 2008 23:22
by TheSlider
Hi there,

Since my last post a few weeks (months ?) ago, i was happy to find out the old good playlist behavior but i noticed something strange.
The ID column responds well to the ordering when clicked by re-ordering playlist entries according to their order in the playlist file but the numbers for the ID's list keep ordered from 1 to X (where X is the last ID number )...
Better look at the screenshots :

default upon loading the playlist ---- changing ID order
Image Image
changing "artist" order
Image Image

I don't know if it was intended to be like this but usually, ID's are set to a specific entry like the order of the entries in the playlist file and should therefor reorder according to them right ?

With the following example, 2, 3 and 4 would be the artist (this is how the m3u file is given to us (web-tv channels) from my ISP, tell me if they're badly using the m3u specs).

#EXTINF:0,2 - B_name
rtsp:// ... flavour=sd
#EXTINF:0,3 - C_name
rtsp:// ... flavour=sd
#EXTINF:0,4 - A_name
rtsp:// ... flavour=sd

Thanks everyone and sorry if my sentences are hard to understand XD

Re: [glitch] ? playlist ID column keeps the same order (vlc 9.6)

Posted: 07 Dec 2008 15:06
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Ok, thanks, this is a clear bug. Please fill a bug in trac.

Re: [glitch] ? playlist ID column keeps the same order (vlc 9.6)

Posted: 08 Dec 2008 00:45
by TheSlider
Sorry but i am having trouble with trac so I'd be greatfull if someone could post in there for me.