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First launch of VLC Player

Posted: 04 Dec 2008 15:56
by marix12
I want to distribute VLC Player 0.96 on some computers in the network.
I created a package and distributing it is no problem.
When opening VLC player the first time, there comes a splash screen which asks the users if they want to have automatic updates.
Is there a way to preconfigure these options ?

Re: First launch of VLC Player

Posted: 04 Dec 2008 16:17
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
yes, define the vlcrc file.

Re: First launch of VLC Player

Posted: 05 Dec 2008 07:57
by marix12
OK, thanks, this is what I also found. So, this seems to be more related to Windows.
The "VLCRC" File is located under %USERNAME%\Application Data\VLC. I tried to distribute via the login script, but it seems that Windows cannot handle files without file extensions (copy them during login script).

Re: First launch of VLC Player

Posted: 05 Dec 2008 11:16
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
%appdata%/vlc/vlcrc. In the Qt4 interface section, you can define some changes.