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Repeat problem and very dark video playback!

Posted: 29 Nov 2008 20:42
by fleshtheworld
Hello, i just updated to 9.6 from 8.something and the repeat works but in this newer version the repeat is not smooth anymore? What happen and is there an option to smooth it out?

Im having a problem with the brightness of my videos, when i open a video its played in very dark i can barely see the image but if i open another video while it is still on both the video brightens to the correct brightness. This has been going on for some while now and its the same with WMP or any other player.

Re: very dark video playback!

Posted: 05 Dec 2008 09:01
by fredpick
hi all,
I had the dark video problem,I have a ATI allinwonder 9200 SE video card,all drivers,ect. up to date,I have catalyst control center installed,I have a monitor and a wide screen tv on svideo attached,ok. I fixed my darkness problem in the catalyst control center,under video,theater mode,I run both displays the same,I haven't tried other combos but this plays back in great color and contrast and brightness,didn't need the individual adjustments,but they are there also.
Just my 2 cents,hope it will help someone!!!!!!

Happy Viewing!

Re: Repeat problem and very dark video playback!

Posted: 11 Dec 2008 07:38
by fleshtheworld
Thanks fred, wished it helped but unfortunately im using nvidia 7950 and it was never messed up like now, iv tried the nvidia manager but it doesnt help. Also its not the brightness that i need to fix, it just that when i start a video it starts all dark and i have to open another video to brighten it to the correct brightness i have it set to.