Streaming a webcam

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Streaming a webcam

Postby prestonfaiks » 22 Nov 2008 19:05

My setup:
OS: Windows XP
VLC: 0.9.6
Hauppauge PVR-250
Logitec USB Webcam
Labtec USB Webcam

My problem:
When setting up a streaming session, my TV tuner card (Hauppauge PVR-250) is always the video source even when I select a USB webcam.

Background info:
When I use VLC to simply play a capture device, I can select any source and it works just fine. However, when I attempt to stream using the Streaming option in the Media menu (Capture Device TAB) the streamed output is always from my TV tuner card regardless of Card Selection or Advanced Options. I have tried it with multiple differenent encoders as well as doing Play Locally and Http (using a separate VLC session to view) and all have resulted in the same thing: TV tuner card is the source regardless of options.

These are the details it shows me when I setup the stream:
dshow:// :dshow-vdev="Logitech QuickCam Communicate STX" :dshow-adev="USB Audio Device"

The next thing I will try is removing the TV tuner card, but this obviously is an undesieable option.

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