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Latency difference when using multiple Stream Clients

Posted: 14 Oct 2008 16:53
by Jossnaz

when I do live video streaming over http to several clients I get a kinda special effect:

one or two clients get the data at the same time, while the 3rd one gets his video some seconds later.

How can this be explained (maybe queued sending?)? The more clients, the bigger this effect will be?

Re: Latency difference when using multiple Stream Clients

Posted: 20 Oct 2008 16:14
by Jossnaz

too obvious?

Re: Latency difference when using multiple Stream Clients

Posted: 19 Nov 2008 04:17
by Jossnaz
bump :-S


Re: Latency difference when using multiple Stream Clients

Posted: 19 Nov 2008 09:39
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
No, your setup on the latest client is wrong.

Re: Latency difference when using multiple Stream Clients

Posted: 20 Nov 2008 15:24
by Jossnaz
vlc player version problem?

ahhh that's smth completely out of my expectations....