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Image duration, RC feedback

Posted: 09 Oct 2008 10:49
by Xorphix
I'm writing a script to use VLC as a "light weight" media center, but have run into a few dead-ends, which I cant get a reply on anywhere in the massive documentation:

1) when I put an image in the playlist, it plays it nicely, however only a 1 second glimpse. According to the log this is intended:
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 1.000 ms - Total 1.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 1.000 ms)
main debug: creating access '' path='d:\test.jpg'
- I have tried --run-time but that seems to only decide how long a 'stream' should play.
Is there any way to control how long VLC should play an image?

2) Using the RC interface, my script controls VLC via telnet, when I enqueue a few media, and play it, I get this feedback in telnet:
status change: ( play state: 1 ): Opening
status change: ( play state: 2 ): Buffer
status change: ( play state: 3 ): Play
status change: ( play state: 8 ): End <- end of the first media
status change: ( play state: 8 ): End <- end of second media

I start VLC with --loop option, so it keeps playing my playlist over and over, then I control the changing of media from telnet.
The issue is, I get these END messages for the first loop, but then it goes silent once the loop has started, it keeps playing but I
dont get the notice the media has ended. Is this intentional?

There might be tricks I have missed, please throw in ur cents :-)

Re: Image duration, RC feedback

Posted: 13 Oct 2008 22:48
by Xorphix
.. at least im glad its not an obvious answer I missed ;-)

Re: Image duration, RC feedback

Posted: 14 Oct 2008 09:56
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
1) use fake.
2) I don't understand.

Re: Image duration, RC feedback

Posted: 14 Oct 2008 22:14
by Xorphix
1) use fake.
.. as in? Is there any way I can change that time outside?
2) I don't understand.
When using the RC telnet interface. I get feedback in the telnet from media currently playing like "status change messages"
If using loop mode, I no longer get these messages when it loops, is that a bug or?

Thanks for your reply

Re: Image duration, RC feedback

Posted: 14 Oct 2008 22:37
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
As in fake module. :D

It must be a bug, yes.

Re: Image duration, RC feedback

Posted: 15 Oct 2008 09:40
by Xorphix
Brilliant, for reference if other has this question, this solved the image duration, by creating an image as a stream:
- Its by far not optimal for my usage but its possible. I would prefer a solution where I could enter duration as seconds on the RC command "add" or "enqueue", will take a brief look at the code if I can figure that out.

I will test the Rc feedback on a nightly build tonight and return if I experience the same issues there.

Thanks j-b!

Re: Image duration, RC feedback

Posted: 16 Oct 2008 09:29
by Xorphix
I can confirm RC Feedback is fixed in the nightly build.

Re: Image duration, RC feedback

Posted: 16 Oct 2008 11:51
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
I can confirm RC Feedback is fixed in the nightly build.
Good news.