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VLC + AmiNET 1xx = is this possible?

Posted: 06 Oct 2008 16:00
by neirocm
Hi all!

I have a linux server (RHEL 5.2) with streaming configuration of VLC:

I have a good video on client computer using VLC player, but I have a question:
I wanna to use Aminet 130 (or another) to view the streaming video, is this possible in my case?
Maybe I must use any other protocols?


Re: VLC + AmiNET 1xx = is this possible?

Posted: 08 Oct 2008 07:01
by neirocm
Please Help :(

How model of STB are supported streaming video by VLC?

Sorry for my bad english.

Re: VLC + AmiNET 1xx = is this possible?

Posted: 08 Oct 2008 21:28
by thannoy

You should try raw UDP instead of http, and maybe MPEG2.

Re: VLC + AmiNET 1xx = is this possible?

Posted: 09 Oct 2008 11:06
by neirocm

You should try raw UDP instead of http, and maybe MPEG2.
I'll try to reconfigure VLC on UDP protocol, but I have the crash my VLC Player on linux client &
no video on Windows Client