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SCTE 35 message identification

Posted: 25 Sep 2008 04:33
by nvilochan
I have some queries regarding VLC player :

Is there any way to know if a stream has SCTE 35 message embedded into it or not ?

If i am streaming MPEG2 embedded with SCTE 35 message, will VLC strip off the SCTE 35 message before streaming ?


Re: SCTE 35 message identification

Posted: 25 Sep 2008 14:37
by The DJ
It depends on what kind of streaming you do. Also, by default, VLC will likely not stream stuff it does not recognize, but i'm quite sure there is a flag for something like that.

If you fully want to support it, you would have to implement:

This first should be implemented in libdvbpsi (might even already be there, but I did not check). Secondly, said information should then be handled in VLC's modules/demux/ts.c sourcecodefile. It should be easy enough to do this, and VLC would then be able to RECOGNIZE the events (but doing something with it is a whole other cup of tea of course.) We (both libdvbpsi and VLC) would more than welcome any patches in that area.

Re: SCTE 35 message identification

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 18:04
by nvilochan

Thanks for your reply. I need do learn about the vlc software architecture and the changes that i need to do. Could you pls point me to the documentation specific to the changed need to be done for supporting SCTE35 streaming.


Re: SCTE 35 message identification

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 20:08
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
Unfortunately, there is no truly uptodate comprehensive developper documentation.