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skins2 / multimonitor problem

Posted: 16 Oct 2004 13:44
by kyojin

i am using videolan 0.7.2 on a mulltimonitor setup, mostly watching movies on the secondary, which works beautifully thank you =)

the only problem is that if i am using the 'skins2' module, when its starts playback on the next item in the playlist, it reverts to the primary monitor. bit of a pain for a two part movie....

this is regardless of the position of the control window. its not a problem if i use the wxWindows skin, obviously.

not really an emergency issue, but a fix would be a bonus, since having the control box still on the primary is quite useful for me

thanks for a great player

Posted: 16 Oct 2004 14:52
by AsMaX
When you say you don't have problems with the wxwindows interface, you probably mean with the *embedded* video in the wxwindows interface ?
(you can have an embedded video with the skins2 interface too, or have a seperate video with the wxwindows interface...) So it's probably more a problem with the vout window than the interface itself; which OS / kind of vout are you using ?

Posted: 16 Oct 2004 15:15
by kyojin
sorry yeah thats exactly what i meant

im using winXP sp1a and my video set up is;

AGP Ati 9500Pro DVI > TFT (Primary)
VGA > CRT (Secondary)

PCI Voodoo3 VGA > CRT (Tertiary)

The output is 'HArdware YUV overlay DirectX'

basically if i have the video running in the NON-embedded window on secondary or tertiary (both wxWindows and Skins2), when it skips to the next entry in the playlist (either by me pressing 'Next' or automatically) the video will play on the primary monitor

a totally seperate, stupid n00b, issue - how can i get VLC to disable screensaver?
