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[Bug report] vlc messes up icecast stream on localhost

Posted: 02 Sep 2008 13:44
by Michel
I am running 0.8.6e Janus on Ubuntu 8.04

vlc plays remote icecast streams fine.

I have an mp3 stream, locally generated with icecast.

wget http://localhost:port/stream.mp3 -O- |madplay -

plays it fine.

vlc http://localhost:port/stream.mp3 gives very choppy sound and no sound at
all after a few seconds.

vlc -v2 shows many "main audio output warning: audio drift is too big (192386), dropping buffer"

Comparing debug output from a local stream and a remote stream the only difference is the line

"main private debug: pre-buffering done 64914 bytes in 0s - 275 kbytes/s".

for the local stream and

"main private debug: pre-buffering done 8688 bytes in 0s - 54 kbytes/s"

for the remote stream.

Apparently for the remote stream less data is buffered.

Reducing the bursting-size in the icecast config file from 64K to 16K FIXES THE PROBLEM.

Conclusion: there is some error in the timing calculations of vlc so that
when there is too much pre-buffered data errors are generated.

Re: [Bug report] vlc messes up icecast stream on localhost

Posted: 02 Sep 2008 15:56
by dionoea
Could you please try a 0.9.* build? If that doesn't fix it, please submit a bug report on

Re: [Bug report] vlc messes up icecast stream on localhost

Posted: 02 Sep 2008 21:53
by Michel
I tried to install a 0.9.0 build by adding the repository.

deb /

as recommendended on

Unfortunately it doesn't work. I get messages like

Failed to fetch ... 1_i386.deb 404 Not Found

Looking at

it appears that the correct filename should be


Can you advice me how to proceed?


Re: [Bug report] vlc messes up icecast stream on localhost

Posted: 02 Sep 2008 22:35
by dionoea
Hardy nightlies aren't maintained anymore. We only provide up to date Intrepid builds for ubuntu.
I guess that the easiest method to try is to download an intrepid live CD from, hook up an ethernet cable, edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file to add the VLC nightly builds line and install VLC in the live CD session. (Or just update your system to Intrepid but that can be a bit risky I guess)

Re: [Bug report] vlc messes up icecast stream on localhost

Posted: 03 Sep 2008 17:59
by Michel
I have compiled 0.9.1 from source. The bug persists. I am filing a report.