Vlc (videolan) Gamma Correction For Mpg Video File

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Vlc (videolan) Gamma Correction For Mpg Video File

Postby towerofchico » 21 Aug 2008 04:11

Hi there!

I have a mpg video file that I shot with my digital camera but its pretty dark.

I watched the video on VLC (VideoLAN) and improved the gamma on the extended gui. it makes the picture so much more brighter and clearer. i've tried using adobe premiere pro and virtualdub to correct the gamma but i didnt manage to get a picture that was nearly as good as on VLC. And the higher i raise the gamma on these programs the more orange/red the picture becomes whereas on VLC it just becomes brighter and im definitely using the gamma option on VLC and not the brightness as that one makes the picture look fairly dull.

anyone know how i can achieve the VLC gamma correction and save it as a new file?

thank you.

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