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Seeking on nightly vs. 0.8.6 in MKVs

Posted: 02 Aug 2008 12:09
by leaf
I'm trying to play some MKV files on OS X 10.5, and I'm seeing huge differences between 0.8.6i (stable release) and the nightly builds with regard to seeking. The stable release seeks very quickly to different spots in the file, while the nightly, for some files, prints errors like this:

[00001068] mkv demux warning: Unexpected escape from current cluster

10-20 seconds later the picture finally kicks in again, but it seems like it doesn't start from a keyframe because most of the picture is all messed up and blocky.

The 0.8.6 release prints something like this:

[00000624] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (281872), playing silence
[00000619] ffmpeg decoder warning: cannot decode one frame (9534 bytes)
[00000619] ffmpeg decoder warning: cannot decode one frame (9806 bytes)
[00000619] ffmpeg decoder warning: cannot decode one frame (11816 bytes)
[00000619] ffmpeg decoder warning: cannot decode one frame (12530 bytes)
[00000619] ffmpeg decoder warning: cannot decode one frame (13201 bytes)
[00000621] main video output warning: late picture skipped (141701)
[00000621] main video output warning: late picture skipped (14822)

But quickly starts displaying perfect video from the spot it was told to seek to.

Any ideas?

Re: Seeking on nightly vs. 0.8.6 in MKVs

Posted: 03 Aug 2008 01:36
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
What NB ?

Re: Seeking on nightly vs. 0.8.6 in MKVs

Posted: 03 Aug 2008 01:44
by leaf
I think it was august 2nd, 2008. I got the same behavior building master/HEAD from source last night.

Re: Seeking on nightly vs. 0.8.6 in MKVs

Posted: 04 Aug 2008 19:43
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Fill a bug.