'Now Playing' on Desktop

For questions and discussion that is NOT (I repeat NOT) specific to a certain Operating System.
New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 4
Joined: 31 Jul 2008 16:23
VLC version: 0.8.6i
Operating System: Windows/Linux

'Now Playing' on Desktop

Postby deschman » 01 Aug 2008 09:23

Hi there,

I use vlc to listen to internet radio stations. Some of them stream information about the song they are actual playing. When I look into the stream info I can see this information under "Now Playing".


Is there a configuration option to let vlc show this information evrytime it changes as OSD-information on my desktop?

I look for a plugin or something like the XOSD-plugin for XMMS http://www.ignavus.net/software.html. I know there is a plugin for the linux version of vlc. But is there also a version for windows?

Many thanks in advance...
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