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Bitrate Ignored while transcoding with VLC 0.8.6f-h-i

Posted: 24 Jul 2008 16:45
by chicha

It seems that whatever the bitrate used while transcoding, VLC uses a default bitrate.
I tried to transcode a DVD to iPod format with a low bitrate (384) but the video is of the same size whatever the bitrate used.
It seems this issue has been highlighted here : viewtopic.php?f=13&t=44328
But it was with VLC 0.8.6d and no bug was opened at the end.

I have reproduced this issue with VLC 0.8.6f on Mandriva Linux 2008.1 and with VLC 0.8.6h and i on Windows XP SP2

Does any one have this issue too ? Can anybody help with this ?
Thank you very much :-)