Subtitles Problem
Posted: 21 Jul 2008 18:01
by wowsucks
I downloaded a short video (avi.) It's in English, but has Swedish subtitles. I'm just wondering, before I wast my time, if converting this movie to DVD or something similar will allow me to turn off the subtitles.
Re: Subtitles Problem
Posted: 22 Jul 2008 15:07
by Alexsource
If the subtitles form part of the video frames in the .avi,e.g: it's not an actual external file like a .srt or .sub,there's no turning then off.
However, there are a couple of things wich could be done if you decide to re-encode/convert to dvd or any other format:
a) Crop the part of the video frame on wich the subs appear. Easy to do with a video processing program, BUT! you'll lose that area. If the subs are big, or placed too high, it's not an option.
b) Use a logo cleaning/erasing filter on a video processing program. I know it can be done with virtual dub, and I think avidemux has a filter for this too, but i've never done this myself. You'll have to search for a tutorial. I once red something about it and -if I remember correctly- it was a tad labourious...