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Virtical Green bar left of center

Posted: 15 Jul 2008 15:54
by granny123

I'm trying to play a file that ends with "xvid.[Eng].avi" using VLC version 0.8.6i. The problem also happened with version 0.8.6d.

Throughout the whole playback, there is a green bar that runs vertically just to the left of center and takes up almost 1/4 of the viewing area. At first, the green bar flickered but the flickering stopped when I unselected "overlay video output".

I have tried the following:

unselected "use triple buffering for overlays"
changed output modules from "default" to "DirectX"

Can someone tell me what I need to do to fix this?

Thanks for your time.


Re: Virtical Green bar left of center

Posted: 15 Jul 2008 16:32
by thannoy
I think some people already discussed about the same issue. Maybe one of their thread will answer your questions:

(found by searching "green vertical", maybe other topics exists)
