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VLC and multimedia keys
Posted: 25 Mar 2008 21:12
by tancients
The most recent topic for this was back in 2007, so I figured it'd probably be better to start a new one.
I've got a Logitech G11 keyboard that has multimedia keys on the top. I've tried setting hotkeys for 'multimedia' and it only works if its a video and full screen. Doesn't work in windowed mode even if VLC is the active program. Is there something I'm missing or need to do? Preferably in a way that I could have VLC in the background while still able to change song and play/pause. Volume control and mute are taken care of by windows (Vista 64, in case of a possible compatability issue), and drivers are up to date from Logitech's website.
Tips, etc welcome. Thanks.
Re: VLC and multimedia keys
Posted: 25 Mar 2008 22:33
by Arite
ssbssa wrote a patch for 0.8.6e on Windows which allows Global hotkeys:
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=18350&st=0&sk=t&sd= ... 60#p142896
With them enabled then the issue with the hotkeys not working in windowed mode should also be resolved (I have not tried the patch out myself though).
You may wish to try out the latest nightly build for 0.9.0:
The Qt4 interface (the new default inteface) may work better than the wxWidgets one in windowed mode. As far as I know Global hotkeys have not been implemented in 0.9.0 yet.
Re: VLC and multimedia keys
Posted: 26 Mar 2008 00:38
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
But they should be.
Re: VLC and multimedia keys
Posted: 27 Mar 2008 19:32
by tancients
The add-on works. Thanks a lot.
Re: VLC and multimedia keys
Posted: 28 Mar 2008 08:30
by ssbssa
yay, the first feedback
Re: VLC and multimedia keys
Posted: 29 Mar 2008 21:29
by GeR
HI i have take, VLC 0.8.6.e, the Plugin, i have put the file "libglobalhotkeys_plugin.dll" in the "Plugins Directory", after that when i go in >Preferences/Interface/Hotkeys settings/Global Hotkeys I set my hotkeys, and after a restart, i wont take effect.
In the README i dont understand : "to start vlc with Global Hotkeys enabled call 'vlc --extraintf=globalhotkeys' (with this way it's possible to control which vlc-instance has them enabled).
the automatic startup is enabled by adding globalhotkeys to "Preferences/Interface/Main Interfaces/Extra interface modules" (in this case only the first instance has them working)."
Im sorry for my english im french.
Can you please help me ?
Re: VLC and multimedia keys
Posted: 31 Mar 2008 08:58
by ssbssa
you've got 2 possibilities:
1) start vlc from the commandline with 'vlc --extraintf=globalhotkeys'.
2) in the preferences add globalhotkeys to the 'Extra interface modules' in Interface/Main Interfaces.
Re: VLC and multimedia keys
Posted: 26 Feb 2011 20:50
by neosis
I have a followup question that is almost directly related to this...
Since this post, latter versions of VLC have actually added media button support, thanks for that.
Unfortunately, it added a feature I do not particularly like/want. The volume up/volume down keys on my keyboard actually change the VLC internal volume. I do not want this. I want my volume up/down keys to remain controlling Windows' volume.
Is there any way to control which volume paradigm my media buttons control while still keeping play/pause support (which is all I really want).