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Color in hardware/software DirectX

Posted: 25 Dec 2003 11:46
by irkuck
I reported this problem in the
request forum. It concerns differences between colors in
hardware and software DirectX output.

Please look


for details

Posted: 25 Dec 2003 13:29
by The DJ
I think you'd better complain to windows for allowing such differences :) This is just the reason that most graphic artists choose a Mac to work on their artwork.

I don't think this will ever be fixed. You could ofcourse choose to disable overlay and use the software mode on all plugins, this might at least produce consistent colors because all the windows use the slow version software version. (choose "disable overlay" in the Video preferences)

Colors cont.

Posted: 26 Dec 2003 08:20
by irkuck
Thank you for your answer.

I have one further observation:

It looks to me now that hardware and software DirectX output is selected
somewhat randomly. For example I have
now two hardware output windows.
Sometimes in turn software output
opens. First window is always hardware.
Is this another unpredictable feature
of Windows or could some control
over it be added?

Regarding the consistency of colors it
looks strange that first window video is
always brighter and next windows are
always darker. This is very consistent,
I wonder if this is because of some default settings which are preset when
the DirectX starts.