i have found our topics about using a multidesktop system to project one videofiles over 2 screens.. very interesting..
i am trying to setup up a videowall system using a 4 monitors (a,b,c,d)..
I want to show for example:
-with the first compu the top-half of the movie to monitor a and b
-the other compu to the under-half of the movie to monitor c and d
i am using:
compu 1:
pentium 2600
nvidia agp 64 mb , old 4 mb pci Sis , w2k
streaming mulicast
receiving multicast
compu 2:
pentium 2600
matrox g550 w2k
recieving multicast
I am going to explain...
I want to play one quarter of the video window fullscreen on one monitor , send an other quarter to the next monitor.. And send the other 2 quarters towards the next computer to do the same trick..
Network-wise everything is working perfectly !
Streamingwise everything is working perfectly !
After that , i have to possibilty's to show the video...
Possibilty 1:
use two vlc media players , cut out their quarters , and show them fullscreen...
Possibilty 2:
use one vlc media player , cut out one half , and show it using the wall filter...
Both ways give me problems...
Rescaling videowindows (especialy gdi) doesn't give me rescaled videoplayback..
How do i cut out a quarter or an half or , even better a fifth of the video ?
And how could i control that in a live situation (because when you would adjust your projectors in 1 min,you also have to move your quarter a little to the left or to the right)
Putting multiple videowindows fullscreen with a fullscreen-button for window a/b/c is not really supported..
DirectX doesn't show my video on the seconday cards..
GDi shows my video on the secondary cards , but it doesn't support rescaling..
And how are these problems with linux ?
Your program has huge potential in my working field..