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How do I maximize player on startup?

Posted: 17 Jan 2008 04:25
by davek
I searched around on the forum, and couldn't seem to find a way that worked.

My issue is: when I start VLC it sizes to the video. I click to maximize, it's now the size of my screen-- perfect.

How do I set it so VLC always opens maximized, without the interim click?

(Maximized window-- NOT full screen)

FYI, I'm using 0.8.6d Windows.

Thanks for the help-- great product!

Re: How do I maximize player on startup?

Posted: 06 Jul 2009 23:56
by vato76
Im bumping this question because im looking for the same answer. I am using 0.9.9. and i want to start the player maximized, either in QT or skinned mode. Please help!