Bug: close Visualizations window closes main video window

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Bug: close Visualizations window closes main video window

Postby guest » 25 Aug 2004 04:06

OS X 10.3.5
VLC 0.7.2

1. begin viewing a video (in my case, an .avi video).
2. set Audio Visualizations to Spectrum.
-- a Visualization window opens showing the Spectrum effect.
3. now click the Close Window button on the Visualization window.

bug: VLC closes both the Visualization window and the main video window. it should only close the Visualization window.

(gcr at mac dot com)

Blank Cone
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Postby Aliby » 24 Mar 2006 09:04

I get this when I have set visualizations to play with audio and then the playlist includes a video. THe video is then on top of the visualization (you can see the additonal item in the task bar). If you close visualizations it closes the video screen too.

Is there anyway to enable visualizations with audio-only files (MP3, wave, Ogg etc) and so prevent it activating when you have audio on a video. Alternatively to disable visualizatins (create exclusions) with video files.

Thinking of this ... is this meant for a feature? Can you overlay / blend a visualization into a video?

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 24 Mar 2006 22:29

no, such a selective system is not in place atm. (basically because vlc has no notion in that area of what kind of tracks are running.
Could be coded of course.

About the blending. It has been though about, but isn't really implemented. Perhaps the mosaic system can do it. Or the bluewall filter.
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