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how do i play video on 800x600 JVLCPanel
Posted: 18 Aug 2007 03:02
by jbste
I'm really new to jvlc, can anyone tell me how to get a handle to the video object and place it onto a JVLCPanel set to size 800x600? also will this automatically resize the video image to the 800x600 JVLCPanel size?
Re: how do i play video on 800x600 JVLCPanel
Posted: 27 Sep 2007 02:02
by jbste
This is how far i am at the moment, here's my code, it compiles and runs under windows xp and with jdk1.3. I added a couple of methods in JVLCPanel recompiled and re-generated header files. Then I decided to change the JVLCPanel default constructor and placed super.setSize(int x, int y) and super.setLocation(int x, int y) method calls there. I'm getting video output but the setSize and setLocation() calls are doing nothing. Can anyone help, I want to render the video image on a panel on a secondary monitor with x , y coordinates of 800,0 and setSize(800,600)
import org.videolan.jvlc.JVLCPanel;
import org.videolan.jvlc.JVLC;
import org.videolan.jvlc.*;
public class JvlcTest {
public JvlcTest() {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
JVLCPanel jvlcpan= new JVLCPanel();
//JVLC jvlc= new JVLC(); not needed because JVLCPanel calls JVLCCanvas which inturn creates an instance of JVLC which is returned by getJVLCObject (or that is my understanding)
JVLC jvlc =jvlcpan.getJVLCObject();
jvlc.playlist.add("a.mpg", "a.mpg");;
Re: how do i play video on 800x600 JVLCPanel
Posted: 27 Jan 2009 03:26
by jbste
Can nobody answer my question? i'm still stuck i need to render the video output onto a panel or canvas that has had its location set to a second monitors x/y co-ordinates. Any help, please.
Re: how do i play video on 800x600 JVLCPanel
Posted: 27 Jan 2009 13:26
by jbste
Maybe I should be approaching this from a different angle, I think i'm right in saying that jvlc video output uses directx, so is there a way to configure directx to output on a second monitor. in other words is there multimonitor support on directx?
Thanks all.
Re: how do i play video on 800x600 JVLCPanel
Posted: 17 Mar 2009 00:02
by jbste
Hi All
It seems my forum has been hyjacked lol and questions are being answerred except the original, posted by me. That question was, does anyone know how to directed video output onto a jpanel placed on the desktop of a secondary monitor? This forum was opened for jvlc and not vlc. Please help with the original question and try not to deviate to vlc.
Thanks all