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Live Real Audio stream garbled

Posted: 30 Jul 2007 14:25
by chochem
I'm trying to listen to a live real audio stream (BBC World Service -
but sooner or later the sound is garbled (the sound is chopped and like it's coming through water) and it doesn't recover. Sometimes the sound also drops out entirely but it ususally recovers from this (presuming that that's common in a live stream).

It has happened on each occasion that I've tried to listen (spread out over several days/weeks) so I'm presuming that it's not just because of pressure on the servers. Furthermore I also listen to some World Service on-demand programs and they play fine - it's only the live stream.

In VLC, I have tried increasing the cache to up to 25000 ms but it still ends up sounding garbled (though it might take slightly longer before it happens).

Any ideas?

Re: Live Real Audio stream garbled

Posted: 30 Jul 2007 19:01
by DJ
VLC does NOT support Real Players media files. Sometimes it will appear to kinda sorta work and doesn't is because there are some very old open source Real support that will probably never be updated.

Re: Live Real Audio stream garbled

Posted: 30 Jul 2007 23:08
by chochem
Oh okay. Sorry about that then. Don't know if I should start another thread for this or just ask here.... I looked at the site again and realised that the stream was also offered as as windows media (which I'm pretty sure is fully supported, right?). So I try to 'Open network stream':
HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/MMS: ... _au_nb.asx
which gives the error
Unable to open: mms:// # butl1
which I figure is because of the spaces in the address. So I delete those and come up with 'Open Network Stream':
Which works as far as a) not producing any error messages and b) seemingly successfully decoding some sort of meta-info (it reads 'Live news and information') in the lower right corner. Only problem is: no sound is produced.

Any help there?

Re: Live Real Audio stream garbled

Posted: 08 Oct 2007 19:22
by radiomobile
hi, i've been using
it works very well, has a list of all the bbc radio channels, also has news and sports section.
perfect for mobile radio, site loads up fast, and always works.