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Opening VLC maximized, stopping the video resizing

Posted: 29 Jul 2007 06:36
by Valar_Morghulis
Doing a google search to figure out how to open new video files with VLC already maximized I got no answers. Searching in my Linux distros forum I didnt get any answers and now even searching in this forum all Ive gotten is tons of threads asking for how to start VLC as maximized and yet no answers in any of them. Well I finally believe I figured it out. The elusive setting/preference that should be common and easily accessible has been placed in the Interface/Main Interfaces/wxWidgets section in the VLC preferences. Theres a checkbox there that says "Size to video" and its checked by default. Unchecking this option will keep your window at whatever resolution and size you set it to. So if you maximize and then exit, the next video you open with VLC should open maximized as well. You must have advanced options showing to access this setting. Im running VLC on Linux but I believe the settings are the same on the other OS's as well

Re: Opening VLC maximized, stopping the video resizing

Posted: 06 Jul 2009 23:59
by vato76
Im using 0.9.9 and im trying to get maximized mode as well but i cant find the "wxWidgets" section in preferences. Is there any way to disable "size to video" and force maximized in the current version? Please help!

Re: Opening VLC maximized, stopping the video resizing

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 21:02
by erwan10
The "Resize interface to video size" parameter is back in vlc1.0.0 (first screen in preferences).
Default is checked. Uncheck it and vlc won't change the overall size any more.


Re: Opening VLC maximized, stopping the video resizing

Posted: 11 Jul 2009 03:35
by vato76
Thank you. Now, is there a way to start the window both maximized and centered? Every time i open it the window is off-centered below and to the right. Kinda annoying that i have to click the maximize window anyway. :?

Re: Opening VLC maximized, stopping the video resizing

Posted: 11 Jul 2009 16:14
by erwan10
on the first screen in preferences, select the following :
- uncheck "Resize interface to video size"
- choose "Complete look with information area" in display mode
Then maximize vlc and quit

The next time, you use vlc, it will be opened centered and maximized and will keep that way.

Tested on Linux. Should also work on Windows.


Re: Opening VLC maximized, stopping the video resizing

Posted: 11 Jul 2009 16:55
by vato76
I already have it like that and it still doesnt work. =/