Video yes, Audio No

For questions and discussion that is NOT (I repeat NOT) specific to a certain Operating System.

Video yes, Audio No

Postby DiaMaria » 20 Dec 2003 05:44

I'm using the vlc-0.6.2-Win32 version of the player and I get video, but no sound. I know this question has probably been asked before (there are a lot of questions about audio), but some are so technical I can't tell which solution will fix this problem.

Any ideas to help? Or a link to point me in the right direction to a post that answers this?

self user

Postby self user » 21 Dec 2003 12:10

I have also the same problem with audio,my audio card is reconized but
i can't hear anything.Don't know if it comes from my tv card tuner,if the
audio from the tuner is not initialized from vlc or if my soundcard does
not match.
Windows 98se
Sblive with aps drivers
hauppauge wintv with connexant881
I precise that both audio card and tv cartd are reconized
Does anybody has a tip for that? :(



Postby georg3003 » 22 Dec 2003 21:28

I think i have the same problem. i am trying to look a file (DVB-S) the video is very good but i have no sound/audio.

what do i have to change on my settings to hear the audio?

Thnx for your help

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