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Pop/click between audio tracks in playlist.

Posted: 11 Jul 2004 13:59
by Meister Des Mordes

I'm using VLC 0.7.2, and it's great! It's currently the only program I can get to play music through all five speakers of my surround sound setup.

The issue I'm having is there is a very distinct (and loud) pop or click noise between audio tracks (mp3, m4a) on "Random" in a playlist. Like <track 1 ends...POP...track 2 begins>. Not so much a big deal when listening to music quietly, but when it's cranked up it's horrible. Does this happen to anyone else, and is there a fix? Thanks, and keep up the good work guys (or girls? I guess I really don't know :wink: )!

1.25GHz Power Mac G4 MDD : Mac OSX 10.3.4 : 512MB RAM : ATI Radeon 9000 Pro video card : M-Audio Revolution 7.1 sound card : Creative 5.1 Surround speakers.

Re: Pop/click between audio tracks in playlist.

Posted: 08 Oct 2010 19:19
by VWFeature
I had the same issue in Win XP- turned out to be a SYSTEM sound setting-'system notification'. When I set sounds to 'none' or that particular activity to 'no sound', it went away.

Took long enough, but an answer, nonetheless.