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AC3 Audio stream does not sound

Posted: 23 Mar 2007 21:41
by Metallo

I have in a folder containing two separate streams:

Audio: .ac3
Video: .m2v

Now, although the audio is enabled in VLC, when I open the .m2v I cannot hear the audio.
The reason is that I don't know how to open the audio and the video contemporaneously in VLC.
Can you help?

Another question, notwithstanding I install VLC in English, the interface comes out in Italian (I am in Italy) but I want it in English! :evil:
How can I change it in English??

Thank you guys, great job. :wink:


Posted: 24 Mar 2007 09:37
by Metallo
Is there anybody who can answer my question :( ?

Thank you

Posted: 24 Mar 2007 14:45
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
What is the bitrate? What are the messages ?

Posted: 24 Mar 2007 15:27
by Metallo
There are no messages at all, it just plays the video and not the audio.
The video is VBR 6000 -> 8000
The Audio is .ac3 224

The question is: How can I upload the two streams, so far I can only see possibilities to upload either the video or the audio, they both work fine when loaded independently.

Thank you

Posted: 24 Mar 2007 23:56
by Metallo
I guess VLC can read two files in the same folder...or not :?:

Anybody can help on this forum ???

Thank you

Posted: 25 Mar 2007 01:15
by DJ_Izumi
If you're playing a unmultiplexed set of files, that's your problem. An M2V file contains ONLY MPEG-2 video, an AC3 file contains just AC-3 audio. If you're only playing the M2V file, there shouldn't be any audio, since you loaded a video only file.

Use an mpeg multiplexer to make a single MPG file with both streams inside.

Posted: 26 Mar 2007 00:15
by Metallo

I wouldn't say "that's my problem" but simply that this is a VLC limitation.

Most of the other readers on the market automatically load the audio file that is contained in the same folder where the video is.

Given that VLC is not capable to do so, I will just unistal it.


Posted: 26 Mar 2007 01:43
by DJ
Most other players in the world do NOT load the audio automatically and you are correct VLC does not support this. One of the very few players to do this is MPC and at times it can be very annoying. Mux your audio and video in a container like normal people do.