Discovering titles on a DVD

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Discovering titles on a DVD

Postby craigsumner » 15 Mar 2007 17:32

I'm trying to stream a DVD on my home network, and I can't find any way of discovering what titles exist on a DVD.

Is there any way to discover which title indexes are used?

For example, I recently discovered, with some difficulty, that there were ~20 titles on a "Strangers With Candy" DVD. The title index required (/dev/rdisk1@22) was anything from 11 to 36, and it was discontinuous. Also, VLC reacts to an invalid title by playing the first valid title, and gives no indication that I can find when it does this. :!:

I've searched the GUI, the verbose command line output, and the http interface for clues. I've also searched the docs, wiki and forums. I don't want anybody to waste time answering a question which has been answered somewhere else. If I didn't search well enough, please let me know where to look.

Thanks for your help!

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