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Fulscreen bu deffault for VLC in a CD-ROM

Posted: 31 Jan 2007 17:53
by keyman
Hello all !

first, thanks for this great project ! I love VLC.

Here is my question /or/ request :
I need a specific VLC applications (working for all (or most) operating system, with differents applications, or exectuable...)
with FULLSCREEN mode by deffault;
Any videoes open with this VLC Application, will be played fulscreen.

Is it possible ??
Do I need to recompile another VL application source ?? (I really don't no anything about compiling application :/ )

I hope you'll understand my request...
{{and sorry for my bad english}}
Thanks in advance ;-)

Posted: 31 Jan 2007 18:48
by DJ
Preferences, Video "Full screen video output" then press Save and close the player.