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Hotkeys for Volume work in Fullscreen, not in Windowsmod

Posted: 21 Oct 2006 21:16
by Ozelotl
In the Hotkeys Settings I changed the keys for "louder"/"lower voice" in my german VLC "lauter"/"leiser" from the default keys [up] and [down] to [mouse wheel up] and [mouse wheel down], so it's like in winamp.

Problem is, since I cahnged that, I only can change volume in fullscreen mode. When vlc is not in fullscreen, but of course the windows is the focus, it does not work. This is stupid, because in order to change volume, I have to go to fullscreen-mode (or use the GUI-Slider).

I am not talking about Global Hotkeys, it should just work in Not-Fullscreen-Mode, too. Like the keys for pause, forward, etc.

Posted: 25 Oct 2006 20:06
by The DJ
This is a bug in the GUI toolkit that we use. It's one of the reasons we are switching to QT for the 0.9.0 release.