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Unknown VLC features :-(

Posted: 11 Oct 2006 17:05
by faisalnet5
Hi everyone……here I am encountering a problem. If anyone among u knows the solution then plz help. My problem is as follows:

In one of my PC, I want to run VLC as my server to stream the Video to other two of my Client PCs running on Windows and Fedora Core-5, at the same time. The point is important here……I used “At the same time”. For IPv4, I used the VLC feature called “UDP Multicast” and really it was working nicely with me. But for IPv6….now I don’t know what to do to get the same target.

IPv6 supports “UDP-unicast” mechanism which can do the streaming for one Client only…..but do u know how can I do the same streaming to two of my clients through IPv6 addressing.

Really it would be a great help if any one of u solve this problem.

Best regards

Posted: 11 Oct 2006 17:38
by dionoea
Can't you stream to an IPv6 multicast address ?


Posted: 13 Oct 2006 17:01
by faisalnet5
The thing here is I was using the “Streaming/Transcoding Wizard”. Over there I selected “UDP Multicast” Option. After that I entered my IPv6 address in any one the following manner….but it was saying every time “This does not appear to be a valid multicast address”.

1) fe80::213:72ff:fee4:c5d1
2) fe80::213:72ff:fee4:c5d1%4
3) [fe80::213:72ff:fee4:c5d1%4]

After your reply, I believe the VLC player does support this function which I am looking for. So if it is me who is suffering for the limited knowledge about it then plz help me to get the right way to do. I really in-need and will be really glad to get ur help as soonest possible.

Re: Unknown VLC features :-(

Posted: 30 Oct 2008 15:19
by V6rocks
FE80::___ are unicast addresses,
Multicast addresses will start with FF02::___

-ie FF02::1 for all hosts